Sherman Oaks

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Overview for Sherman Oaks, CA

68,090 people live in Sherman Oaks, where the median age is 41 and the average individual income is $73,790. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.


Total Population

41 years

Median Age


Population Density Population Density This is the number of people per square mile in a neighborhood.


Average individual Income

Around Sherman Oaks, CA

There's plenty to do around Sherman Oaks, including shopping, dining, nightlife, parks, and more. Data provided by Walk Score and Yelp.

Very Walkable
Walking Score
Bike Score
Good Transit
Transit Score

Points of Interest

Explore popular things to do in the area, including Petrans Greek Gyros, Tacos Mayos, and Drumstick Dash Noho Arts District.

Name Category Distance Reviews
Ratings by Yelp
Dining 3.89 miles 8 reviews 5/5 stars
Dining 3.58 miles 7 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 3.98 miles 5 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 4.5 miles 10 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 2.3 miles 6 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 3.77 miles 5 reviews 5/5 stars

Schools in Sherman Oaks, CA

All ()
Primary Schools ()
Middle Schools ()
High Schools ()
Mixed Schools ()
The following schools are within or nearby Sherman Oaks. The rating and statistics can serve as a starting point to make baseline comparisons on the right schools for your family. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.
School rating

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Whether it’s putting a home on the market for sale, assisting first-time homebuyers, or looking for great real estate investment, John can provide excellent service. Contact him now!

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